
Thanksgiving checklist

It is very useful to have a thanksgiving checklist, so we can visualize what we need and that we can add so that everything is ready for the holiday.

To have a clean and spotless house for Thanksgiving it is best to start as soon as possible.

Make your own Thanksgiving checklist, check your house and according to that you can write down the places you need a little more time or effort to clean.

How to start our Thanksgiving checklist?

The ideal is to divide it by time, thus facilitating the organization of the cleaning tasks to be carried out.

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From the weeks before

You can start your Thanksgiving checklist by writing down the tasks you can perform two weeks before the day, so you do not stress and the organization will be more efficient.

  • Perform a deep cleaning to the refrigerator, in this way we can get rid of expired products or foods, remove dirt and leave everything ready for the ingredients of our Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Remove and clean the dishes that you plan to use for that day.
  • Clean and reorganize the closet in the hallway, so we will have free space to store the coats of the guests.
  • Tidy up the areas we’ve had neglected and the mess has built up.
  • Clean the front areas of the house.

A week before

Our festivity is almost approaching, so we must perform a deep cleaning to certain spaces of our home:

  • Shake, vacuum, sweep and mop the spaces where our guests will be. Don’t forget to disinfect surfaces.
  • Wash and iron tablecloths, napkins, and everything you will use for that day.
  • Remove dust and dirt from furniture, fans, walls, chairs, corners, etc.
  • Clean windows and glassware throughout your home. Always use the right products.
  • Do a deep cleaning to the bathroom or bathrooms of the home, mainly to the one used by your guests.
  • Also thoroughly clean the kitchen, stove, oven, microwave, countertops, kitchen utensils, etc. degreases and disinfects.
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A day before

We are one day away from our long-awaited celebration, today we will do:

  • A touch-up of the areas we have thoroughly cleaned.
  • Give an express cleaning to the bathroom, we will clean the taps, sink, top of the toilet, etc. Whatever you think is convenient and you need.
  • A touch-up with the vacuum cleaner, sweep and mop some areas of the house.
  • Completely empty the dishwasher, and have it ready and unoccupied for the cleaning that we will do after dinner.
  • You can place the table a day before, so you will save time.


The long-awaited day has arrived, so we will do the following:

  • Change and place fresh towels in the bathroom. You can also aromatize such a room.
  • Clean stove and countertops in the kitchen.
  • Take out the garbage to have a completely clean house.
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What is your Thanksgiving checklist like?

The cleanliness of this celebration should not be stressful, if you make and fulfill your thanksgiving checklist you can have more time to enjoy with your family and friends this expected holiday.

Do not forget that Bello ́s Cleaning can help you in the cleaning of your home, contact us and learn about our cleaning services and special offers.

That the cleaning of your home is not one more concern, better leave it to the professionals in the field.

Request a free quote for your home today.

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