
Wine stains on fabrics

Wine stains can be a worry and a headache, but it’s easy to treat them with the following tricks.

It is best to remove wine stains immediately, in this way we will prevent the wine from adhering to the fabric and making it more difficult to remove.

Did you know that wine stains can be removed with products that you find in your home in an economical and ecological way.

So, let us know some tips on how to remove wine stains on clothes.

How to remove wine stains from fabric

1. Vinegar for dried wine stains

For this tip we must mix water and vinegar in equal parts, then apply the mixture on the wine stain that has dried.

To make a more enhancing effect, we add a small amount of liquid detergent and rub gently on the stain.

Finally, wash and rinse with warm or cold water.

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2. Baking soda for wine stains that have dried

Baking soda is a cleaning product and removes difficult stains par excellence, both for bathrooms, kitchens, windows, among others.

All you have to do is sprinkle some baking soda on the stain so that it covers it, and then spray white vinegar on it.

This will create an effervescent effect, so leave it on until it dries.

Then you must moisten the garment several times to enhance the effect, and let it rest for several hours.

Finally, wash the garment as usual and that’s it.

3. White wine for fresh wine stains

As weird as it may seem, one of the best ingredients to be able to remove recent wine stains is another wine. Although in this tip we will use white wine.

In this case, simply put some white wine on a clean cloth and apply to the stain with small dabs.

Let it rest for ten minutes, then wash the garment with soap and water. It is recommended to avoid rubbing or scrubbing the fabric as this could cause the stain to spread.

4. Milk to remove wine stains

To remove wine stains using milk, you only have to heat 3 cups of milk in a container, then introduce the stained garment and let it rest until the stain has been diluted.

Finally, wash the garment as usual.

Milk is an excellent product to remove wine stains, since it acts as an acid that allows pigments recently adhered to fabrics to be released.

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Do you know other tips to remove wine stains?

Don’t let stains be a headache, try the above tips and get clean clothes with homemade products.

Let us know what other tips you use to remove wine stains on clothes.

If you need help with professional cleaning, don’t forget to contact us.

Bello’s Cleaning has different high-quality cleaning services to fit your needs.

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