The fight against breast cancer continues
Every year on October 19, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is the world day of the fight against breast cancer.
For this reason, October dresses up in pink and it is the month of awareness of cancer but specifically Breast Cancer. Many only think this type of cancer is exclusive to women, but that is a myth, men can also suffer from Breast cancer. Although it is the least common.
The objective of this day is to convey the message of the importance of early detection of breast cancer, since it is one of the most aggressive cancers that exist, and for this reason, it is important to note down the preventive actions.
Early detection gives doctors the ability to find a more effective treatment, and give anyone a better prognosis against this disease.
We must bear in mind that prevention is the cornerstone of the fight against this disease and that it is often silent but highly deadly, keeping that this disease does not distinguish age, social class, beliefs, ethnicity, etc.
It is important to understand that, if it is detected in time, it is curable, and makes the fight have a less aggressive process and a victorious result.

Facts about fighting cancer
According to the WHO, about 1 in 12 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.
Did you know that breast cancer lists the leading cause of mortality in women.
And that, in 2020, about 685,000 women lost the fight against this disease.
In addition, the WHO considers that favorable responses are the result of the combination of early detection and effective therapies, focused on surgery, radiotherapy, and pharmacotherapy.
In this situation, the mental health of the person who is in this fight should not be left aside, it is important to seek professional help and support them in whatever they need.
Bello’s Cleaning joins the fight against cancer
If you are going through this difficult situation or have a family member or friend in the fight against this disease, seek professional help, groups and a support network. This is necessary to go through the process in the most appropriate way.
Also, remember that physical and mental health go hand in hand, and both need their due attention.

Bello’s Cleaning with its cleaning services, joins this fight against breast cancer. Contact us and learn more about our work, and contribute to these causes.
Let the cleaning of the home of the people who are in the fight against this disease be in the hands of our company. You can support them by offering your help with a cleaning service.
It’s time to get pink!
Free Cleaning For Women With Cancer
We offer free professional housecleaning services to improve the lives of women undergoing treatment for cancer.
Please tell a friend about this wonderful service. Our volunteers are available in the Anne Arundel county.
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