
Unpleasant smell from refrigerator can be unpleasing and easily get saturated into your kitchen area.

Your refrigerator can bring out unpleasant smell for several reasons. Sometimes because of spoilt food items, electricity failure or accidentally unplugging your refrigerator for a longer time. However, the source of the odor might be unknown. Whatever ways, you can remove the smell before it sinks deeper into every part of your refrigerator and keeps your food items save.

Did you perceived an unidentifiable bad odor from your refrigerator recently but doesn’t want to experience the stress of cleaning it? No worries here are simpler and easier steps for you to get rid of that spell.

Step 1: unplug or turn off the power from your refrigerator.

This is to prevent any form of an electric accident since some items in your fridge or refrigerator can contain water which is dangerous to electricity

Step 2: remove all overstayed food items or food from the previous season.

When food overstays, they tend to produce water with smelling odor because of bacteria activities on them so you must remove them. But if you are sure there are no overstayed food items, check the new ones, something could have gone wrong. It could be that you had accidentally left your refrigerator unplugged or electricity failure occurred in the past few days.

Step3: Remove all the items from the refrigerator and keep the item that needs to remain frozen in a cooler.

Make sure the lid of the cooler is kept tight. You can do these with the children to make it easier, faster and fun.

Step4: wash the inside of your refrigerator

If you are doing this during the weekend or you have pretty much time for the cleaning, you can take time to wash the inside of the refrigerator. Wash every part of the refrigerator with soap and warm water and then dry with a clean towel. Use foam to absorb water from the refrigerator. This is not really compulsory if you don’t have the time, just go straight to step 5

Step5: You should place plates of baking soda

On any of the shelves in the freezer for 24 hours and keep the refrigerator door closed. The baking soda will absorb the odor. You can also use sliced lemon fruit, a cup of vinegar, a bottle of natural oil, a plate of coffee beans and charcoal. All these have the natural characteristic to absorb odors.

Step6: place in air freshener into the refrigerator

After 24 hours, place in air freshener into the refrigerator and arrange all the food items back into the refrigerator. The air freshener keeps the fresh breath in the refrigerator. Make sure you store fresh foods where they will be noticed and use up before they get spoilt.

Step7: Connect your refrigerator back to the power source

Connect your refrigerator back to the power source and keep the temperature of the refrigerator around 35-38oF.  Make sure you maintain a regular temperature to keep the food items from spoiling.


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