
To remove moisture  in the autumn season

Eliminating the humidity caused by autumn is a very important and necessary issue to know for the well-being of our home.

Accumulated moisture inside our house, unpleasant odors, molds, germs, and bacteria are harmful to our health.

Many of us know that when we refer to autumn, we must keep in mind the low temperatures and rains that promote the appearance of humidity inside the home.

To remove moisture inside the house, we must first know what causes it.

Did you know that humidity is generated by the change in temperature outside and high humidity can encourage rust and oxidation?

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In the autumn and winter seasons, the temperature inside our home should be warm, both for water bathing and washing clothes, we use hot water.

When showering, cooking, or hanging clothes inside the home, humidity is generated, this comes into contact with the hot air of the house and cold surfaces.

This causes moisture to condense and transform into liquid.

And it is where the accumulation generates stains on the walls, rot, unpleasant smell of dampness, and appearance of mold.

So, how can we remove moisture?

Let’s enjoy autumn without worrying about how we can remove moisture  in our home, let’s just put into  practice  the following:

Ventilation is needed

This is necessary and essential, to avoid the accumulation of water vapor and that it condenses.

You can make use of the air conditioner to remove moisture, if you find it difficult to use natural air.

Finding sources of moisture

Identify what causes the accumulation of moisture inside the home, and get to work on its prompt solution.

It can probably be a broken pipe, water leaks, etc. Be attentive and work on it.

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Use a dehumidifier

These appliances are very useful, as they are ideal for removing moisture inside the rooms of the home.

These help absorb and drain accumulated moisture easily.

Coarse salt to remove moisture

Put a little salt in a container in the places where you show the existence of moisture, after a few days it will have absorbed much of the annoying moisture.

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What tip do you use to remove moisture?

Tell us what your tricks are to prevent and eliminate moisture.

If you need extra help, do not hesitate to contact us and learn about our services and special offers.

Bello ́s Cleaning is here to help you get an impeccable and shiny home as you have always wanted.

Request a free quote for your home today.

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