
Bleach stains on our clothes

Bleach stains on clothes are a nightmare for our closets, and the only solution we have is to throw away the stained garment or recycle it.

Many times it has happened to us that, by accident while cleaning our home, at the end of the day our clothes end up with bleach stains, and perhaps the garment was one of our favorites.

But with this article, we want bleach stains to be no longer a headache and we can have at hand homemade tricks to remove them.

Did you know that you can use products you have in your kitchen to remove bleach stains?

Let’s not waste any more time and let’s start with the homemade tips.

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Home tips to remove bleach stains

Remove bleach stains with white vinegar

A product that is excellent for removing bleach stains is white vinegar, which is one of the best allies in household cleaning.

In addition to removing stains from clothes, vinegar softens and cares for the color of the garments.

It is recommended that you mix 1 cup of white vinegar with 1 cup of alcohol, then immerse a clean cloth in this mixture.

Soak the bleach stain with this cloth with vinegar, do not rub the stain as you can expand and complicate the task. Then wash the garment with cold water.

You can repeat as many times as you think necessary until you get the expected results.

One day after washing the clothes, it is recommended that they be exposed to the sun for as long as possible.

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Use a bleach stain remover

These removers can be easily found in supermarkets, and you should do the following:

Mix the remover with water, following the instructions on the package.

Generally, let the garment soak in the mixture for about 90 minutes or whatever the instructions recommend. Finally, wash and rinse.

You may have to repeat the procedure until the stain is gone.

On many occasions, if a garment that has bleach stains is colored, it is recommended to use dyes.

This way you can not only dye the stain but also revive the sharpness that the garment may have lost due to continuous use.

Do you know other ways to remove bleach stains from clothes?

Try these tips and recover your bleach-stained garments, but remember to treat the stain as soon as possible.

Remember, if you need help with your home cleaning, contact us and get to know our professional cleaning services.

Bello’s Cleaning has the best option to keep your home clean and impeccable.

Request a free quote for your home today.

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