

Cleaning Tips

How to Start Organizing a Messy House  in 10 Simple Steps

How to Start Organizing a Messy House in 10 Simple Steps

Struggling with a messy house that feels like an overwhelming challenge? The frustration of clutter and disarray can be demotivating, but fear not! In this guide on "How to Start Organizing a Messy House," we've covered ten straightforward steps to revitalize your...

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How to Clean a Bathroom Floor? Essential Tips

How to Clean a Bathroom Floor? Essential Tips

A clean and sparkling bathroom floor enhances the overall appearance of your space while promoting a hygienic environment. However, doing so effectively requires the proper techniques and tools to ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning process. In this blog, we will...

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Home Organization

Organizational tricks to keep the house clean and tidy

Organizational tricks to keep the house clean and tidy

Gleaming house with organizational tricks The vast majority of people want to have organizational tricks up their sleeves, which they can use and be their lifelines for a shiny house. The important thing is to start by putting our cleaning routines in order, so we can...

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Cleaning calendar to keep our home clean and tidy

Cleaning calendar to keep our home clean and tidy

Home Cleaning Calendar It is an excellent idea to establish a cleaning schedule, since this way you will keep in mind how often each part of the home should be cleaned and thus facilitate its organization. It is known that it takes time and dedication to maintain a...

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Organizational habits to keep a tidy home

Organizational habits to keep a tidy home

Easy-to-implement organizational habits In this article we will continue talking about organizational habits, which must be established and put into practice. Did you know that by opting for organizational habits you benefit from keeping your home tidy and reduce the...

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Seasonal Cleaning

Cleaning the home for our Thanksgiving holiday

Cleaning the home for our Thanksgiving holiday

Cleaning the home in the festivities On any holiday, we always think about the cleanliness of the home, we want everything to be clean, tidy, and impeccable. And this is not impossible, but we need to dedicate a little time and effort. Since we are on the eve of this...

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Disinfect sweets quickly and safely

Disinfect sweets quickly and safely

Disinfect sweets before consuming them It is important to disinfect sweets and not overlook this action, during these days we have to be careful and prevent diseases as much as possible. So, take the time to disinfect the sweets you have collected on Halloween night,...

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Impeccable house after Halloween party

Impeccable house after Halloween party

Impeccable house after a holiday Everyone wants an impeccable house after any party, and even more if there were many treats, decorations, food, costumes, etc. Halloween is fun and all, but sometimes you have to stop and wonder: Is it worth all the mess it causes? The...

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Cleaning Service

Monthly cleaning service, the best option for your home

Monthly cleaning service, the best option for your home

If we had a contracted cleaning service that fits our needs, we should have a less stress load. On average 9 to 6 hours weekly are invested to cleaning the home, to this we add work, the time people spent with their children, among other activities; it’s very...

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Quick Tips

How to eliminate bad shoes odor with homemade products

How to eliminate bad shoes odor with homemade products

Tips to eliminate bad shoe odor The bad odor of shoes is a topic that is often not talked about out of embarrassment. But it is something very common that usually happens, either by the weather, poor maintenance or cleaning of our shoes or health problems, these bad...

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