
How many times we have made cleaning mistakes in our home and which we still make. By doing this, we damage the quality of our furniture, waste more product at the cleaning moment or shorten the useful life of our cleaning tools or make the cleaning of our home more time-consuming.

Everyone has made cleaning mistakes, but the time came for stopping and learn of them, so we will be improving our cleaning technique and taking care of our furniture, cleaning products, and tools.

Keep reading our article and recognize some cleaning mistakes we may be making frequently.

More product does not mean better cleaning

One very common cleaning mistake is to think that using more product quantity will result in better cleaning.

For example, using detergent is harmful to fabric quality, our cloth, and the washing machine. Besides, the detergent may damage or decrease the washer productivity or increase the time and effort in cleaning this washer.

The same happens with other cleaning products. If you use quantities not recommended by the product manufacturer, you can ruin your appliances, floors, or furniture. Be careful and learn to use the right product for each thing or object.

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Do not spray directly

You may think that spraying wax directly onto furniture is the most effective way to clean and bring them back to life, but it’s not. The problem could be if the product is an aerosol, so it can be hard to control the excess product, besides it damages your furniture.

The best way is to spray wax on a microfiber cloth, then wipe and polish the furniture. This way, you don’t waste the product, and you can have more control over it.

Remove dust

Another cleaning mistake which we should avoid is removing the dust before continue cleaning. It will prevent dust from adhering to your furniture or floors, and in this way, it will not be so difficult to clean and maintain these.

It is recommended to continue cleaning from top to bottom, left to right; this is the key to a successful cleaning.

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The vacuum cleaner is one of the most important tools in our cleaning, and it will help us saving time and simplify the household chores.

A cleaning mistake is not to remove dust before vacuuming. It may damage the functions of the vacuum cleaner.

After removing the dust, you can vacuum curtains, furniture, windows, carpets, fans, among others.  You will see that it will be faster and more effective to follow this tip.

So, stop making cleaning mistakes, contact us and get to know our professional cleaning services and special offers.

Leave the dirty work to us, and don’t make the same mistakes in cleaning your home again.

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But if you need help, you can contact us and inform yourself about our services and offers, everything in one professional way and safe. The dream of a clean home and ordered we can make it happens.

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