
Give our opinion about breast cancer is a very complicated and extensive subject, which is part of our reality. For this reason we have to act as soon as possible to prevent and defeat this silent enemy.

World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that for 2025 the amount of new cases will be 2.5 million and up to 800 deaths for this disease. Besides, they say the probability that a woman suffer from breast cancer is 1 in 8 cases.

Breast cancer originates when the cells of the breast tissue grow uncontrollably, this causes the formation of a tumor that can be detected by radiography or be palpated and inflict a lot of discomfort in the person.

Suffer of this disease is more frequently in women and it represents 16% of all the female cancers. The 25% represents the new cases confirmed and 15% of deaths by cancer.

They are alarming and worrying figures, but the only weapon to contrast this is the prevention, it’s a race against time, which the women who has breast cancer can win the battle, if they have the information, medical diagnosis and treatment at the right time.

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Among 5 to 10% is considered that the breast cancer is caused by genetic factor while the remaining 90% is associated with the lifestyle. Exists other factors predisposing to the development of cancer cells:

  • To be woman
  • Age
  • Personal history of breast problems or breast cancer
  • Family history
  • Women who haven’t been pregnant.
  • Hormonal treatments (in advanced age)
  • Contraception methods
  • Not have practiced breastfeeding
  • Breast implants
  • Radiation exposure
  • Obesity or overweight
  • Drink alcohol
  • Smoke
  • Sedentary lifestyle
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According to experts, a woman has a 95% of probability to survival when she is diagnosed and treated in the early stages of disease development. When this one is detected at time, it allows to realize treatments less aggressive and increase favorable medical diagnosis to the patient.

In some cases the breast cancer can be asymptomatic, but exists symptoms and warning signs:

  • Lump in the breast or armpit
  • Change in skin color and texture (redness or peeling of the nipple)
  • Breast enlargement or swelling
  • Sunken nipple
  • Nipple discharge (may be blood)
  • Breast pain

If you feel these symptoms, should consult immediately a doctor, because exists other diseases that they aren’t cancer, for this reason is better inform yourself with a professional person, thus prevent or receive adequate treatment.

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How to prevent it?

It’s the most important question for our health, there isn’t a magic formula to ensure us that we won’t suffer from it, but with concrete actions, it can reduce the incidence rate.

  • Self-examination
  • Regular visits with the doctor
  • Preventive performance exams prescribed by the doctor
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Physical activity
  • Balance between your physical and mental health
healthy lifestyle

There is no excuses, is the moment to change a little our mentality, we have to consider the importance that our health deserves.

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