
Sales Call Assestment

Your Name
Client Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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Was the phone answered with company name and the name of the person on the phone?(Required)
When we asked for the contact information, did we explain why we needed it? (When asking for phone number and/or email)(Required)
Did we get all of the information we needed to give an accurate quote?(Required)
Were we friendly on the phone and sounded excited to work with the client?(Required)
Did you ask what they are looking for when hiring a cleaning service other than having a clean home? Any concerns or priorities?(Required)
Did you later in the call give the customer facts to let them decide we were the company that would address their concerns?(Required)
Did we ask the client if they had any questions before we offer them a price?(Required)
Did we answer all their questions?(Required)
Did we explain why we are the best company to meet THEIR unique needs?(Required)
Did you make at least one attempt for a personal connection with the call?(Required)
Did we quote regular service pricing to every customer first?(Required)
Did we explain the difference between the Initial cleaning and on-going cleaning service?(Required)
Did we ask the prospect to book?(Required)
If they booked did make them feel like they made a great decision? If they didn't book, did you offer an incentive to try to get them too book?(Required)